Students from across the county were recently in Washington in July lobbying Congress for legislation that would establish a public service academy that wold work in much the same way as the military academies. The purpose of such an institution would be to "build a more perfect union by developing leaders of character dedicated to service in the public sector."
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A Public Service Academy
Posted by
10:31 AM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
It's Time For Some Campaignin'! (Jib Jab)
Posted by
1:30 PM
tags Jib Jab
Friday, July 11, 2008
Give me a Break!
Posted by
3:40 PM
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Patriotism as a Political Football
Have we allowed political discourse in this country to fall so far that we need our candidates to defend their patriotism? The answer is yes.
Posted by
11:06 PM
tags Barack Obama, John McCain, Patriotism
V: List Cross Over--Come Write for Policythought
When not blathering on about how Kinko's should meet the same fate as old yeller, and rambling on about how man-cards are won and lost, I blog on politics and policy over at (see widget), of course I don't work alone. Marc V (of the list) and Mike Ruby are also policy-thinkers of great renown.
Posted by
9:49 PM
tags policythought
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy Birthday America!
Patriotism is a funny thing it means such different things to
different people.
I won't attempt to thumb type the definition of patriotism while I
wait in an airport terminal.
But what I will say is America has its faults. But its faults lie in
policies we choose. Not in the concept of America. America is still
struggling to define itself and perfect itself after 232 years, but
the truth is our definition is in the struggle.
America to me is the most human nation on the planet.
Happy Fourth! Eat some BBQ drink a Beer and if you have any thoughts
on being a patriot, leave a comment.
Posted by
10:29 AM
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Correction: obama on Iraq
Still mobile. But I watched the Newshour and after seeing the video
Obama has not yet reversed his position on Iraq. He simply opened the
possibility that the operational plan might change after consulting
with generals.
Posted by
9:46 PM
Quick hit: obama shifts on Iraq
Hey Policy Thinkers,
Follow the link below to see Politico's coverage of Obama's shift in
postion on Iraq. Pardon my formatting and the lack of a hyper link. I
am on the move for the holiday weekend. Keep thinking!
Posted by
5:26 PM
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Colin Powell and Barack Obama have a meeting
The National Journal is reporting that two weeks ago Colin Powell and Barack Obama had a private meeting. What was discussed we don't know, but apparently it was just an informal chat about issues. Take a look at the report here.
Posted by
9:51 AM
tags Barack Obama, Colin Powell
More on the game-changing web
Monday Night PBS's Newshour did a great piece analyzing the role of the web in controlling a campaign message. You can watch it or give it a read here.
Posted by
9:14 AM
tags Internet Campaign, PBS
The New Spin Room
There was a lot of talk over Obama's decision to forgo the public financing system. His privately raised millions will out gun McCain from now until the election. The decision was clearly tactical, but it raises the larger specter of campaign finance reform. In many ways though, the debate is centered around a dying paradigm
Against the backdrop of an unprecedented internet fundraising campaign Barack Obama hurled himself to national prominence and now is one opponent away from the White House. However, the very same viral power of the Internet to spread Obama's message especially to the young when he needed them most, is also the very power he seeks to combat today. is the Obama campaign's response to rumors that have swept the web.
All of this stands as background to say that the battle of public relations and spin is moving from television to the internet. Barack Obama announced his decision to leave the public campaign system in a web video, Hillary Clinton announced her campaign online, John McCain is struggling to find his voice on the web, but is already making up ground.
So then the question becomes in this burgeoning internet age, when a candidate can not only fundraise, but indeed control their global message online, why do we need publicly funded campaigns at all? Moreover, why is Senator Obama raising hundreds of millions for the forthcoming fight with McCain? The answer of course is television. Paid television advertising is still the single most costly expense for any state-wide or national campaign. The cost of those 30-second spots all over the nation is what has spun campaign financing out of reach.
But is paid televised political advertising really necessary any more? I think Barack Obama and John McCain would tell you it is. That web video might be the future, but its not the present and plenty of Americans will be introduced to Barack Obama or John McCain via a 30-second spot on their screen.
I am not proposing a ban on political advertising on television it still holds a place in our media landscape. But with it's low cost of entry and global reach, plus the added benefit of having a message go "viral" the internet still offers the promise of a true market place of ideas. A place where not only well-monied candidates compete, but any candidate that can launch a website and start posting on youtube, can find a space on the web. All for far less in real dollars cost than television.
Posted by
9:02 AM
tags Barack Obama, campaign finance, Internet Campaign, John McCain, Senator McCain, Senator Obama
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Built Ford Tough?
The American auto industry reported dismal numbers as june sales figures slipped by double digits. While GM retained it's edge (barely) over Toyota, industry analysts are quick to identify a correlation between rising oil costs and the poor auto sales. These statistics speak volumes about the outdated American way of doing things. Whether we want to accept it or not, the times, they are a changin'. The American auto industry will have to creatively change the way it does business, or suffer a crushing defeat at the hands of Japanese automakers, namely Toyota and Honda. American companies are firmly planted in a paradigm that no longer works, and while Trucks and SUV's have been the American auto industry's bread and butter, with rising costs of fuel, that way of doing business will no longer work. I expect we'll be hearing rhetoric very soon about bailing out the American auto industry with federal dollars to ensure that American jobs are not sent overseas. Before we start throwing money at these companies (which I'm predicting is inevitable) why don't politicians sit down with American automakers and open a dialogue about implementing all those wonderful changes we've been hearing in McCain and Obama's platforms. This is the perfect time for America to change the way that we do business and help the environment at the same time. This is the moment for American companies to move forward and utilize technology to combat the innovation already undertaken by foreign companies. The way I see it, either we can change the way we do business, or begin to accept the idea that American industrial and economic might is a thing of the past. Let's see if Made in the USA still means something.
Posted by
Marc V
9:29 PM
tags Automakers, economy, Made in the USA
Seeking more wonks!
Readers of policythought unite!
Hey guys and gals. We're looking to expand the policythought team to
include more opinions and more policy wonks. Regardless of political
affiliation, age or geographic location we are looking for writers to
share thief thoughts right here on policythought.
If you're interested in jumping aboard, either leave a comment or send
an email to
Much love and happy blogging.
Posted by
8:01 PM
The Fix: Obama Idealist, pragmatist
The Fix over at the Washington Post has a fantastic post dated yesterday on Obama march to the center, and the fight over patriotism.
Posted by
8:30 AM
tags Barack Obama
Remember that "other" war?
Came across this link...MSNBC is reporting that Afghanistan is now more deadly that Iraq for US and NATO troops.
Posted by
8:00 AM