Saturday, July 5, 2008

V: List Cross Over--Come Write for Policythought

When not blathering on about how Kinko's should meet the same fate as old yeller, and rambling on about how man-cards are won and lost, I blog on politics and policy over at (see widget), of course I don't work alone. Marc V (of the list) and Mike Ruby are also policy-thinkers of great renown.

But we can't do it alone. Policy Thought is looking for more bloggers to join our team. And so I decide to pen a list of the top five reasons YOU should start blogging on policy thought. Once this list entices you to join the team, drop a comment or shoot an email to

#5. Because You're Smart.

We love a good debate over at thinkPOP, and we need smart people to spur new ones. We strive to avoid the kind of numbskull yelling you find on the comment boards at Politico or Washington Post. We want point and counter, thought and counter thought, you get the idea. Whether is a debate topic or an observation about our culture, we want diverse, interesting conversation.

#4. Because you HATE politics

You care about the environment and taxes and energy, and the economy. Not if Hillary wore a pink pantsuit on national breast cancer day. You don't care about the horse race or the latest polls. You care about the country and world, you read or watch something and you want to talk about it, and get others to do the same...that's why you write for Policy Thought.

#3. You have a Specific Interest

Marc V. is a teacher so our debates on education are robust. Mike R. is an ad-man so our discussions on media are always engaging. I work in lighting, so I talk energy efficiency. None of us are limited to our area of expertise, but it drives how we work. Maybe you're a teacher, or a cab driver, or a nurse, or lawyer, or a college student. Whomever you are we want to hear you talk about how national policy effects YOU.

#2. You're a Karl Rove Loving Neocon/You're a Ralph Nader loving Greeny

We like minority points of view. Not because we always agree, but because our debates are too often on the one hand and on the other style, we don't offer enough variety of opinion and thats no good. Got a Rush Limbaugh Bumper sticker, we want to hear from you. Think Nader should be included at the debates, lets talk.

#1. We may actually make money!

Our readership is growing steadily month to month and the addition of more voices only adds to the potential pool of readers and "viral" spread. Once we reach a critical mass of readers, and ad revenue starts coming in, the wealth will be distributed to all Policy Thinkers. I don't recommend blogging as a path to riches, but if those riches come, we'll share the wealth!


Anonymous said...

God I can't resist. You called me out as a Ralph Nader loving Greeny.

I'm a Public Policy and Film Studies double major at Muhlenberg College...I worked at the Institute for Policy Studies, the Nader campaign, and (less proudly) on the Edwards campaign.

I organize students through United for Peace and Justice and Students for a Democratic Society.

I'm a point person for Code Pink on legislative work as well.

I helped found Pike County Youth Coalition, a youth non-profit.

I can pen a few blogs a week. I'm on enough listservs to generate unique content on a regular basis about peace, economics, democracy, and immigration among other issues.

I'm in a transitioning phase of my ideology shift from near statist-neo-liberal to somewhere near anarchist-socialist.

Most of all, I read so many other blogs, none of them really "get it right" for me. So I might as well start off doing it myself.

I'm always on top of the latest news, and on the eve of war with Iran, I figure I could be of help to you guys since I've been following that painful process very closely.

Let me know!

I'll censor myself to fit the culture here...obviously my angry anarchist inside of me will need to sit in timeout while I blog.

I can do a sample if you'd like.

JamesBedell said...


I'm sorry for the delay in getting back to you on me so we can discuss

Xircuits said...

I don't know where the best place to post this. But a former room mate of mine posted this on my wall on FaceBook. I feel as if I should pass this on: