Monday, June 2, 2008

A Political Culture of Self-Entitlement

Yes, it's still going. The primary that would never end feels like it could stretch past November at this point. And this voter is over it.
Why does this continue to drag on? Because no one wants to hurt the feelings of a Clinton.
After Hilary Clinton grabbed a win in Puerto Rico, the NY Times chimed in drumming up its importance by stating that her victory came "among Hispanic voters, who are a key constituency in the fall election." First of all, Puerto Rico doesn't vote in the fall. It's not a U.S. state. The fact that they vote in the primaries at all is bewildering to me. So drawing that corollary seemed besides the point. But beyond that is this idea that somehow she's being cheated. "'There’s nobody taking Hillary’s side but Hillary people,' said Donald Fowler of South Carolina, a former national party chairman and one of Mrs. Clinton’s most prominent supporters, referring to her campaign’s suggestions that she might seek to challenge the way the party resolved the fight this weekend over seating the Michigan and Florida delegations. 'It’s too bad. She deserves better than this.'" She deserves better? I'm sorry. Why is that? Because her last name is Clinton and you want to make nice to the former president?
Take away the Clinton name and Hillary would have been forced out of the primary race by now. Just by fact of numbers, the establishment would have declared their victor. And there would be no uproar. But you cannot take away the Clinton name, and the establishment still feels like it is in debt to that name, so they will pander to it as much as they can. And that is what creeps me out--former President Clinton sulking around the White House saying "I want, I want" and collecting on past favors.
Just because Hilary was thought to be the obvious nominee before the primary started does not mean that she deserves to be. Just because the Clintons led the Democrats back to power in the past doesn't mean that we owe them anything. And perhaps instead of saying "I want, I want", they should try to figure out what voters want.

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